micw a day ago | next |

I like this. While the scrolling stuff is quite standard, the user interface is very good. By using a standard keyboard, it enables a non-technical person to easily enter the text. Also having that all on a atiny is great. I would have expected at least some esp8266.

alchemist1e9 a day ago | prev |

For the lazy among us does anyone have a recommendation for an off the shelf medium sized LED dot matrix display controllable from python probably over USB?

Ideally it’s ready out of the box to sit on a desk and be programmatically controlled from a python program. I said for us lazy ones and therefore know that means paying more than one should if they were not.

joezydeco a day ago | root | parent | next |

BetaBrite LED signs have been around forever and have a well published spec for the serial port to program in new messsages. There are Python libraries that wrap around the serial protocol.

alchemist1e9 21 hours ago | root | parent |

The smallest I’ve seen are 26” wide so big for sitting under a monitor on a desk. Maybe there are smaller versions I haven’t seen.

afandian a day ago | root | parent | prev |

You can get vacuum fluorescent displays from old point of sales equipment.

They are driven by RS232, with a USB adapter they work with python.

alchemist1e9 13 hours ago | root | parent |

This looks like the best option. They all support RS232 and are pretty cheap. Requires some DIY work but not horrible.

Thanks for pointing me in that direction.